Strategic Consulting

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Maximizing competitive advantage across an enterprise is the number one challenge for our clients. Looking out across the operating landscape, our clients see more data, more regulation, more competition, and more cost.

Our strategic consulting services focus on our clients’ most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, marketing, organization, operations, technology, and transformation across all industries and geographies. We bring deep functional expertise but are also are known for our holistic perspective: We capture value across boundaries and between the silos of any organization. We apply a multiplier effect by optimizing the sum of the parts, not just the individual pieces.

Analyticx can help maximize the benefits derived from evolving technology, data, and the right mix of service-delivery alternatives. Our custom insight help you quickly understand how to develop, measure, and extract capabilities across your entire organization to increase business value.

Strategic Consulting Capabilities:

  • Financial Management

  • Program Management

  • Portfolio Management

  • Acquisition Management Support

  • Business Process Transformation

  • Budget Planning and Execution

  • Cost Modeling

  • Activity Based Costing

  • Business Process Re-Engineering

  • Change Management

  • Knowledge Management

  • Sustainability Solutions

  • Training